LED Retrofits

Unlock Energy Efficiency with Elevate Lighting’s LED Retrofit Services

Elevate your building’s energy efficiency with our comprehensive LED retrofit solutions. Converting your entire facility, parkade, common areas, or spaces where lighting is running 24/7 to LED lighting isn’t just an upgrade – it’s a smart investment that can cut your energy usage by more than half, significantly lowering your utility costs.

Our process for LED Retrofits goes as follows:

  • Objective Assessment: We begin by understanding your goals, whether it is: energy savings, light levels, aesthetic upgrades, or controls and automation.
  • Energy Audit: Our detailed energy audit pinpoints your current energy expenditure and identifies potential savings.
  • Customized LED Strategy: We develop a tailored LED solution complete with a payback analysis to forecast your return on investment.
  • Presentation: Our team presents the proposed solution to you and your team.
  • Site Planning: With approval, we will conduct a thorough site evaluation to design the installation plan.
  • Inventory and Scheduling: We manage the procurement of high-quality LED inventory and coordinate the installation schedule to minimize disruption.
  • Installation: Our technician executes the retrofit with precision and care.
  • Post-Install Walkthrough and Sign-off: We conduct a post-installation walkthrough and obtain your sign-off, ensuring complete satisfaction.

Transform your commercial space with LED lighting that saves energy and enhances the working environment. Partner with Elevate Lighting for a seamless transition to a brighter, more sustainable future.